Two-way seatback benches are common on the Star Ferry in Hong Kong, which transports passengers across the harbor. The bench still maintains the wooden surface and metal structure from its original design. The "two-way seatback" design helps travelers adjust seating direction whenever the ferry sets sail on either side of the harbor. Its design was popular from the end of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century and was commonly used on trains, trams, and other vehicles in Europe and the United States; in Hong Kong, it was also used on trains compartments in the past. Combining the elegant and detailed iron frame crafted by Lau Wai Cheong and the wooden panel made and designed by Ken Chow in American black walnut walnut wood, the duo co-created the "Vice-versa" two-way seatback bench imbued with wavy texture and geometric simplicity.
Auspicious Horizons
Yue Kee Rattan Factory & Ahung Masikadd & Barnard Chan & Cecilia Lai