Chen combines and epitomizes the bamboo weaving skills of Taiwan and Japan to showcase the transformation of a traditional fruit basket. Hexagonal weave is one of the widely used bamboo weaving patterns and a foundation for bamboo weaving. As a base pattern, bamboo strips are interwoven in the order of square, diamond and hexagonal arrangements.
Originally used by the common people, bamboo baskets began to gain favor in the royal courts as vessels for flower arrangements.
The art of flower arrangement prospered in the Song dynasty, and the rise of royal floral basketry established the use of bamboo baskets as vases. The influx of karamono (Chinese artefacts) into Japan during the Muromachi period, including bamboo baskets and tea ceremony, stimulated the development of a unique Japanese aesthetic surrounding the tea ceremony and bamboo art.
Auspicious Horizons
Yue Kee Rattan Factory & Ahung Masikadd & Barnard Chan & Cecilia Lai